Scoring breakdown
Place = Points
1st = 100pts
2nd = 80pts
3rd = 65pts
4th = 55pts
5th = 51pts
6th = 47pts
7th = 43pts
8th = 37pts
9th = 34pts
10th = 31pts
11th = 28pts
12th = 26pts
13th = 24pts
14th = 22pts
15th = 20pts
16th = 18pts
17th = 16pts
18th = 14pts
19th = 12pts
20th = 10pts
21st = 9pts
22nd = 8pts
23rd = 7pts
24th = 6pts
25th = 5pts
26th = 4pts
27th = 3pts
28th = 2pts
29th = 1pt
>29th = .5pts
Scoring detail
Competitors earn points from their place in their division only. Most of Montana is hosting red point competitions with five best scores from each competitor going toward their final score. See details of each comp for their particular scoring methods. Once final scores are tallied and competitors are ranked thier ranks are sent to the LBBS for points. There are six different competitons in the state. Only the four highest points from all competitions are counted toward the LBBS final score. The winners will be announced after the final competition is tallied for the season. Any ties generated between competitors in any competiton and the points for place are shared evently between the competitors. (e.g. 2nd place tie nets 72.5pts for each competitor ((80+65)/2)=72.5pts). The format of each competition may vary slightly from event to event, but by using ranks for points we can keep a level playing field across all comps.
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